Wowsft. S. Wowsft

SWowsft  -50 %

Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Tier 7 France Battleship. +10% Repair Party duration helps to heal back more fire damage and it gives one more heal. -50 %. S. +100 %. -78. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedVictor Lima : Hurricane is approaching. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. g. com for this purpose. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 20,000,000. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. PCA n° 7 Mle 1. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 0. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedInertia Fuse for HE Shells. Increases the action time of the Smoke Generator, Short-Burst Smoke Generator, Crawling Smoke Generator, and Exhaust Smoke Generator consumables. idk tho. -50 %. It’s a tool that allows you to have a look at the detailed parameters of all the ships present in the game. You can either share builds with others or just store them and access them later again. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. 5deg/s to current turret traverse rates of. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. FKS Typ 9 Mod. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Damage Control Party Modification 1. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Propulsion: 155,000 hp. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Time before attack. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. 2 %. In fact, the side panels are so useless that dectract from teh game: they give no info at all and consequntly occupy space on the screenfor no reason at all. 330 mm/50 Mle 1931 on a St. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. At every phase—customer discovery, idea generation, and testing—a clear structure makes people more comfortable trying new things, and processes increase collaboration. 1. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 5% win rate solo and 133k average damage. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. 1. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Reply Post by 巴佤姆 (2021-05-16 20:29): 那正确的是什么样的? 能请大佬讲解一下吗[s:ac:凌乱] 命中率实际上是防空伤害的乘数,比如一个白板CV,什么技能都不点,吃300dps秒伤,这个秒伤的命中率是90%,那就每秒扣270点 你说的那个东西在wowsft里面可以看,叫inner & outer explosion,inner是指在预判路径内侧生成. +25 %. -50 %. 6. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Is it permanent? Are there some other sites to see stats of ships and also captain builds etc. Equipment. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 2. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Prevents enemy submarine-launched torpedoes from homing. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Tier 9 Germany Cruiser. ggIwami build impressions. -50 %. 152 mm/55 Mle 1930 on an Mle 1930 mount. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. The Google keyword research tool is the 'Keyword Planner'. AFT - Advanced Firing Training, which boosts secondary battery and AA range by 20%. +25 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery traverse speed. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. The guns can be derpy but seeing 5/6 or 6/6 hits is pretty fun. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. I have been away from the game for some time, has there been any mention of correcting this silliness considering the direction they are taking. If you wanna play safer, drop outnumbered for heavy AP shells and Grease the gears. Brisk and incoming fire alert are uselesss for Bismarck as well. -50 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. -50 %. RealityRush. Ship Tool is an analysis tool for the computer game World of Warships. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. AA mount survivability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -80 %. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. PCA n° 7 Mle 1. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Providing you get it back to tier 10 (either via playing or free xping. G7 Steinbutt. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Ruddershift could fit better than DCM2. No, it's not shutting down. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Increases the action time of the Hydroacoustic Search and Short-Range Hydroacoustic Search consumables. It took longer than expected due to finding out how to extract data and whatnot. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 1. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. There are many varieties of alcoholic drinks, and several different strengths. -50 %. Midway 618,040 France Kleber 774,610 U. The ship didn't manage to participate in World War I. com you can determine the development of World of Warships players. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. G7 Steinbutt. 14 Alpha which only uses game client data. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Consumable action time. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated. Data is from the excellent website. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. A low number of hard-hitting guns, superior secondaries, and a special set of consumables make this "paper ship" perform very differently from her US counterparts like Iowa or Missouri. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. But yes, if you need some sort of spreadsheet service, wowsft. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Tier 9 Germany Cruiser. PCA n° 8 Mle 1. Guns may not look impressive,but they are. Equipment. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. Reduces the risk of catching fire. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Adrenaline Rush is also much better skill than BoS. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. While I did want some practice with code development, it was created mainly due to the. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Upgrades. Alcoholic drinks are consumable items that can be procured either through adventuring or a vendor. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. -50 %. AA mount survivability. The Free Experience pool, like Credits, is shared among all ships and therefore can be spent in place of ship experience to unlock any ship or module. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. Consumable action time. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedInertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Propulsion: 176,000 hp. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of a fire being caused by a shell of a caliber of more than 160 mm, or an HE bombInertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Increases the action time of the Engine Boost and Emergency Engine Power consumables. Victor Lima : Hurricane is approaching. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. ↑ The Research Bureau was introduced with Update 0. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Reduces the risk of catching fire. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 0. +25 %. Increases the action time of the Engine Boost and Emergency Engine Power consumables. -50 %. G7 Steinbutt. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. This is a test version that uses World of Warships API as well as game client data. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 5 km. +25 %. Here’s a quick summary of the sea-shaking content and massive changes: Tier VIII is Here. Once you select a ship, you can then work on builds, fiddle around with. Equipment. Expands the tactical role of a warship, allowing her to maintain survivability more effectively. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Admiral_Thunder. Consumable action time. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Seems undo punishment all things considered with the current Meta. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +40 %. Basically one day I've had enough of spending lots of golds and credits swapping around modules and resetting captain skills, so I decided to make a fitting tool. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Consumable action time. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -3 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. nginxI don't want no one. Do the division and your guns need to be about 14. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. skyf24. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. You should take appropriate precautions. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Unlike WoWs Fitting Tool, it even covers the Public Test client so that you can have a look at ships that were freshly announced and still not on the live client. Nothing in their package is going. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. g. -50 %. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Loss of power caused by engine breakdown. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Using it during enemy fighter attacks can save your aircraft from destruction. Reload time reduction for all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. -50 %. Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Please note there is no torpedo curving bug, regardless of the paradoxical nature of this statement. +25 %. +25 %. I don't want no one, want no one, want. -50 %. When you go to the tech tree to purchase a ship it will not let you see consumables or upgrades till you purchase it. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. FKS Typ 9 Mod. After this skill is mastered, the player will have the direction to the nearest enemy ship indicated to them. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Upgrades. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. I didn’t use wowsft for builds and whatnot. -80 %. Using it during enemy fighter attacks can save your aircraft from destruction. AA mount survivability. Increases the action time of the Engine Boost and Emergency Engine Power consumables. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. WoWS Fitting Tool. 20,000,000.